Mandating Multi-Factor Authentication for Cybersecurity in the U.S. Federal Government
July 5, 2021
Recent cyberattacks exposed areas of weakness in critical U.S. infrastructure assets.
President Biden’s new Executive Order (EO) necessitates agencies to adopt multi-factor authentication (MFA) and encryption for data at rest and in transit to the maximum extent possible. These changes are key elements of a paradigm shift from a previously federated, decentralized, and reactive cybersecurity basis, to a consolidated, centralized, and proactive approach to protect critical network infrastructure and data.
Hirsch expects these changes will result in improved coverage of protective capabilities and a stronger capacity to adapt and meet the government’s growing threat landscape. The U.S. government should consider including hardware security key-based MFA into their security strategy because without two-factor authentication, they are increasing the vulnerability of their network and their organization.
“For government and regulated agencies, Hirsch’s uTrust FIDO2 GOV Security Keys meet FIPS 140-2 and NIST guidelines for high-assurance strong authentication. uTrust FIDO2 GOV Security Keys are the perfect strong near field communication (NFC) authentication device, providing FIPS 140-2 validation and assurance level 3 (AAL3) of NIST SP800-63B guidance for regulatory compliance.”
- Dr. Manfred Mueller
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