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Access Control Credentials for Healthcare Providers

As hospital requirements change almost daily, Hirsch can help ease the burden by making sure that you have the access control cards you need to keep your hospital staff safe and secure.

How We Can Help

  • Variety of technologies: 125 kHz proximity, 13.56 MHz smart card technology, multi-technology, contact chips for high security, UHF for long-range, and more
  • Multiple form factors: As circumstances change, other form factors might meet unique healthcare requirements, including silicone wristbands for hands-free access
  • Streamline card issuance: Hirsch’s Service Bureau can help with card personalization and issuance so hospital staff can start caring for patients faster
  • Quick turnaround: Minimize downtime by ensuring you always have the cards you need on-hand
  • Large partner network: Our credential experts can help you with your specific requirements

Total Solution Provider

The goal in access control within healthcare environments is simple: keeping the wrong people out while letting the right people in.

Hirsch also offers smart card readers, physical access control, video intelligence, and RFID solutions for the healthcare sector. Above and beyond, hospitals must be able to track and locate critical equipment or resources while also monitoring all the people entering secure areas and their reasons for doing so. Healthcare facilities are focused on providing the best level of care for their patients, and that includes keeping them safe, securing their critical medications, and protecting their sensitive information.

Ready to learn more? Get in touch with us.


Learn About Access Control Credentials for Healthcare Providers

Ready to see how our solutions can work for you? Contact us and we’ll get you moving.