Most airports are forced to prioritize immediate, short-term needs. Increased operating expenses mean airports have to make difficult decisions between fixing leaky roofs, installing a new air filtration system, or expanding gate capacity. Terminals are aging and rapidly compiling a growing list of infrastructure needs.
The average airport terminal in the U.S. is over 40 years old. Many of these facilities were built well before 9/11 and over the course of this time, should have incorporated several rounds of complex infrastructure changes. But that is not always the case.
Today, aging facilities must accommodate additional security measures, the demand for greater convenience and digital connectivity, and the need for accessibility. Hirsch’s integrated access control and security solutions enable terminals and airlines to provide their customers safety, reliability, and convenience. Forward-thinking airports are redesigning security operations to protect against potential threats, create operational resilience, and deliver a more streamlined visitor experience.
Real-Time Threat Mitigation:
A unified, open-platform video management system (VMS) and end-to-end access control solution can provide data-enabled security and intelligence in a single-pane-of-glass view. Open integration provides a verified, centralized security framework to deliver real-time threat detection and mitigation across an entire facility. Make security operations smarter by allowing teams to see, record, and react to environments and make operations scalable, freeing up security teams to act faster with better data.
Integrated access control and video provides:
- Complete ID and visitor management
- FIPS 140-2 encrypted communications
- Strong dual authentication
- Jetway Bridge control application
- Automated FAA and TSA NO-FLY List integration
- Support for all biometric technologies
- Full disaster recovery/fault tolerance solutions
- SDK integration
- Threat level management
- ScrambleProx and smart readers
- Timed access for passenger loading bridge door
- Government revocation list integration
- Biometric support
- Credential issuance monitoring
- Airport reporting features (FAA)