Logical Access Control Legacy Products
uTrust Tokens
uTrust Token Pro | Part No: 905552, 905552-1
This contactless smart card token features strong PKI capabilities based on Java Card™ technology and is an ideal mobile solution for PC logon, signing and encrypting documents or emails, and authenticating to secure web sites or a VPN.
Data Sheet
uTrust Token Pro + | Part No: 905553, 905553-1, 905553-2, 905553-3
This contactless smart card token can feature user branding and user-developed applets. It can be used for PC logon, signing and encrypting documents or emails, and authenticating to secure web sites or a VPN. It can also be used for physical access, contactless electronic payments, and contactless electronic ticketing.
Data Sheet
uTrust Token Pro Mini Type A | Part No: 905569
The smallest form factor in the family, featuring a high-quality embedded secure element with strong PKI capabilities based on Java Card™ technology
Data Sheet
uTrust Token Pro Mini Type C | Part No: 905585
Portable digital identity token that uses USB type C and can feature user branding and user-developed applets
Data Sheet
uTrust Token Standard | Part No: 905551, 905556-1
This smart card token can be used for PC logon, signing and encrypting documents or emails, and authenticating to secure web sites or a VPN. With a dual interface card, the token can be used for physical access, contactless electronic payments, and contactless electronic ticketing.
uTrust Token Standard also includes support for SCT3512 Secure Token.
Data Sheet
uTrust Token Downloads
(The same drivers can be used for all Token products)
Linux Drivers
August 21, 2015
Mac Drivers
September 2024
uTrust Windows Driver Installer
Supports: Windows XP, 7, 8.1 / Windows 10 / Windows 11
June 2024
Windows Drivers
Windows XP, 7, and 8.1
February 2023
Windows 10 Drivers
(Device Guard compatible)
February 2023
Windows 11 Drivers
February 2023
ADRB NFC/MIFARE Desktop Reader |Part No: ADRB
Contactless ISO/IEC 14443 A/B and ISO/IEC 18092
Legacy product - End of life
Windows Driver v6.6.1
SDI010/SDI011 Dual Interface Smart Card Reader | Part No: 904671, 905419
ISO 14443 and ISO 7816 compliant, secure, dual interface smart card reader.
Download Linux, Mac, and Windows drivers from uTrust table above.
SDI010 Firmware v7.46 | SDI011 Firmware v7.45
SCR331/SCR3310 Contact Smart Card Reader |Part No: 904334, 905185
ISO 7816 compliant, small, ergonomic USB smart card reader with bottom side mounting holes.
Download Linux, Mac, and Windows drivers from uTrust table above.
SCL3711 Contactless USB Smart Card Reader |Part No: 905169
Contactless ISO14443, FeliCa, USB 2.0 full speed, ultra compact, reliable mobile solution.
Linux Driver 2.18 | Mac Driver 2.18 | Windows Driver Installer 1.13 | Windows Driver 1.14
Multi-ISO High Frequency Reader |Part No: AMID2US00
Contactless ISO 14443 and 15693, PC/SC USB standard, cost-efficient HF desktop solution.
Signed Driver | Keyboard Emulation Configurator Tool
SCL010 / SCL011 Contactless Smart Card Reader |Part No: 905155, 905339
Slim, modern, multi-protocol desktop reader; supports various contactless applications.
Linux Driver 2.09 | Mac Driver 2.17 | Windows Driver Installer 1.13 | Windows Driver v5.14.00.03 | Windows 10 Driver (SCL01x Generic) | Windows 10 Drivers (SCL011 nPA) | SCL010 Firmware | SCL011 Firmware