Velocity 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8 Frequently Asked Questions
I get “Access Denied: Access Zone”, what does that mean?
An “Access Denied: Access Zone” event occurs when a user attempts access at a door and their credential is not allowed access. Please view the complete answer in our
Knowledge Base.
I get “Access Denied Card: 0000000”, what does that mean?
“Access denied card: 00000000” means the reader used has a
Custom Card Code set inside
Card Reader Setup, and the Card being used has a MATCH code of 00000000. Please view the complete answer in our
Knowledge Base
I get “Access Denied: Overridden”, what does that mean?
An “Access Denied: Overridden” occurs when there is a higher priority taking precedence over your card or pin.
There are two conditions that would cause this event to occur: Force Off or Lock Down. Both conditions can be created manually or through the use of a Function Group. Please view the complete answer in our Knowledge Base.
When launching Velocity I get “Access Denied: This computer is not authorized to connect to Velocity”, what does this mean?
When the “Access Denied: This computer is not authorized to connect to Velocity” error is produced, it is due to the Workstation or User being used not being correctly registered in the SQL/Velocity Database. Please view the complete answer in our
Knowledge Base.
When launching Velocity I get “The SQL Server is not available. Check that the service is running and you have a valid network connection”, what does this mean?
This error comes up when launching Velocity and the Operators and/or Workstations have multiple entries with the same value. Please view the complete answer in our
Knowledge Base.
How do I configure Velocity to have an expansion relay follow the state of an alarm condition?
To get an expansion relay to follow an alarm on a controller through Velocity, follow the below steps:This application is an example of programming relay 1 to follow a DOTL or Forced alarm at Door 1. Alarm Inputs and Control Zone numbers can be changed to fit the user’s needs. Please view the complete answer in our Knowledge Base.
When launching Velocity I get “Failed to activate control ‘VB.UserControl’. This control may be incompatible with your application”, what does this mean?
This error message comes up when launching Velocity and HirschGrid.ocx and Hirschgrid2.ocx are not registered. These files not being registered usually happen when KB updates are applied and the account logged in does not have sufficient permission to register files.
Please view the complete answer in our
Knowledge Base.
How do I change the SQL Application Role Password?
Velocity uses an application role to connect to SQL. SQL uses its own authentication for application roles, meaning that the application role, with permissions and password, are stored in the database. The software must provide the correct password for the application role it is trying to use. Velocity stores the password as an encrypted value in Windows.
Please view the complete answer in our
Knowledge Base.
How do I configure a Velocity Command Set to change Threat Levels?
When you change a Threat Level, only people with a higher Threat Level credential will be able to gain access.
Please view the complete answer in our
Knowledge Base.
How do I configure Velocity to disable Code Tampers?
Code Tamper is the ability of Velocity to deny access for a set amount of time after a set number of invalid access attempts has been made. Generally three consecutive incorrect attempts will lock the keypad/reader for one minute. Please view the complete answer in our
Knowledge Base.
How do I configure Velocity to Enable Invalid Codes?
Please view our
Tech Tip PDF for assistance.
How do I update the CCM Firmware through Velocity?
Updating CCM Firmware can be done easily through Velocity software. Please view the complete answer in our
Knowledge Base.
How do I update the SNIB3 Firmware through Velocity?
Updating CCM Firmware can be done easily through Velocity software. Please view the complete answer in our
Knowledge Base.
How do I move a Velocity Database form one server to another?
Please view our
Tech Tip PDF for answer.
How do I rename the Whos Inside Zones in Velocity?
Currently the “Who’s Inside?” Zones are zones 00-63. To change these names to something more meaningful, follow these steps in the Knowledge Base.
How do I reset the Encryption Keys in SNIB2, SNIB3 and/or Velocity?
View the Video Tutorial on
Resetting Encryption.
I get Port Socket errors in Velocity, what does that mean?
Velocity connects to the Port IP Address provided within
Port Properties and makes a socket connection via the specified port. If Velocity fails to establish the socket connection on that port, you will get port socket error. Please view the complete answer in our
Knowledge Base.
When running a Velocity Report I receive a message that says “The listed Archive files could not be found”, what does that mean?
When running a Velocity report, the system will attempt to attach archive files to SQL. Once attached, they will pull the data out of the archive to process the report requested. Please view the complete answer in our
Knowledge Base.
When running a Velocity Report I receive a message that says “Busy: Restore operation currently in progress”, what does that mean?
Velocity Report Manager creates an entry in the Velocity database under a table called
MiscProperties. The entry it creates is called
ArchiveLogServerStatus, if this entry already exists, Velocity thinks that the archive is being attached already. This entry gets cleared when the Report Manager is gracefully shut down, but if it is not shut down, the entry could be left in SQL and cause the issue. Please view the complete answer in our
Knowledge Base.
When launching Velocity I receive a message that says “The NT Event Log is full”, what does that mean?
When Velocity is started or stopped, it writes to the Windows Event Viewer under the Application logs. If the Application log are full, and not allowing Velocity to write to them, this message box will occur. Please view the complete answer in our
Knowledge Base.
How do I hard reset a controller?
When an controller needs to be hard reset for a variety of reasons (System LED is off, LEDs are solid, various other conditions) there is a simple fix to hard reset the controller to see if it can come back online and work efficiently. Please view the complete answer in our
Knowledge Base.
How do I reset encryption on a Controller?
Disable the Port, Xbox, Controller in DIGI*TRAC Configuration. Check the address number inside the Xbox and controller on Velocity, and verify they are the same. Power down the controller. Please view the complete answer in our Knowledge Base.
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